Thursday, March 20, 2014

Special Delivery

I put together a mailing last week to go out to certain CEOs and CFOs of companies we would like to work with. I included a small (mailable) gift to the letter to encourage them not only to open our letter but keep the giveaway to remind them of the company.

My supplies included:
Letter head
branded envelopes
luggage tags

Other than my main communication, I included an open space to attach my luggage tag to the letter. I didn't want to have wasted space on my letter so under the area where my luggage tag was attached I included a QR code that lead the recipient to a video about our company. I attached my luggage tag using two pieces of clear tape rolled onto itself like a log.

I attached them on the outside of the QR code so that removing the luggage tag would not damage the QR code- if it's damaged, who knows where it could take them!

Then I placed the luggage tag on top.

Next I addressed all of my envelopes in the same order that the letters were addressed. It made this project easy. Before sealing the envelopes I folded one letter and put it inside of the envelope to weigh it for postage. All other letters would be the exact same weight so I ran the envelopes through the postage machine before stuffing AND sealing them. 

Easy peasy lemon squeezy.

Monday, July 22, 2013

At your service!

Here is a list of the services that I am able to provide:

General Consulting Services
Website Development
Public Relations
Printed Media Development
Email Marketing
Social Media Development
Strategic Planning
Mobile Capabilities Consulting
Video Development

Saturday, January 26, 2013

I am relocating!

I am very excited to be moving to the DC-MD-VA area! I love that area and there are so many opportunities just waiting to be snached up...yet I haven't found any yet! I am posting my resume with the hopes that someone with an opportunity may stumble upon my information! Feel free to download my resume-made public via Google Drive! Thanks Google!

...don't be afraid this is a REAL link...promise!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

New Client: Lifestyles by Dorian Devine

I love the "newness" of busness ventures! I have had the opportunity to work with Ms. Dorian Devine as she launches her company "Lifestyles by Dorian Devine". This is fun! I mean we are starting bare bones as far a branding goes! Color scheme, persona, logo...the life of her brand...has unfolded in front of my eyes. This has been one of my most challenging projects but it has also been extreamly rewarding! I have expanded my skill set  and designed her:

Color Pallette
Website (including figuring out hosting, design and launch!)
Business Cards
Post Cards
Marketing plan
Networking Strategy
and Established her business email addres (email her:

So the company info page reads:

If it has anything to do with running a home then I'm passionate about! From cooking, organizing, hanging curtains, hosting a party or simple holiday decorations, I get excited.
Cooking doesn't have to be frustrating and boring. If you invest the time and effort needed, the results can be not just good for you, but simply delicous. One on One, hands on private cooking instruction in your own kitchen. I know with a little guidance, you can create wonderful dishes to enjoy.
Kitchen Organization
The reason why the saying "everything has a place" is true because dis-order causes stress. If you cannot find what your looking for when you need it , what is the point of owning it at all? Organization save time and eliminates stress.
Let me help you bring out the beauty of your home through re-decorating or simple reworking the room's layout.
Would you like to entertaing more? Be the talk of your family and friends circles? Then let me show you how to put together the perfect event and pull it off without the stress.
Lastly, if you don't have the time or ideas for Holiday decorating, the give me a call. Quotes are available for custom services. I will take care of everything from handing the mistle toe to packing away the last tree ornament.

 Here are some shots of her online presences and promotional material.

Business Card


Target Market:
Primary-New Brides (hence color scheme)
Secondary: New healthy eaters

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Noir Paris

I just finished an article for my company's blog. Every year they do a trip to Paris to exlpore the history as it pertains to African Americans. I found the subject very interesting to research. Article took 1 day to produce with video.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

New Projects

Community Service for me is addictive. Above all other types of promotion, I get the most joy from it. I have decided to allocate more time toward community service promotion in both my personal life as well as my current role in my day job.  Here are some things I really look forward to working with:

Homeless Collection: Dec. 18th, 2011
-Branding a group (as I think is necessary seeing as this is the 3rd year running and growing)
-Preparing promotional material
-Press release for promotion

Toys for Tots:
Since this is one that already exists I will simply be advising the group wanting to get involved to become active and lend their talents. Leading by example, I hope to volunteer on the promotional front. Whatever it takes.

Dress for Success:
Would like to organize a collection for women joining the work force again. I was inspired to do so when I was faced with the question of what to do with 20-some odd pairs of good condition, good quality shoes that I can not wear. If I have something- I know some other people that may like to join in. Looking at mid spring for this one.

Prom dress drives:
I am literally all "dressed up" with no place to go. Looking in my closet the other day I realized I had 4 beautiful gowns and not one event on my calendar to wear them to- let alone 4! One dress is amazing but just not for a woman my age (in my opinion). I was thinking of consigning them but I would really rather give them to girls that I believe could use them for prom/homecoming. I have held on to them with this in mind for 2 years. This year I will move toward gifting them to young ladies who would like them. I am fortunate to live in an area with a Fairy Godmothers organization. Time to link up! (

Really excited to get my community service fix! :)

Dealing with promotion defeat

It's difficult to deal with defeat-period. It's especially difficult when you are passionate about the cause. Sometimes things don't go as well as you want them to go. Eh, C'est la vie. What's important, however, is what you make of that defeat. Perseverance and courage to accept your failure are two things that will make one wiser. Giving up and placing blame is for those who plateau. I aspire to greater. To get there I have to approach the bad times with the same honesty and tenacity of the good times. No, it's not "fun" to be known as the one who shoulders all of the blame but it is necessary to learn from mistakes to grow from them.

Lesson for this time around:
Start early, Proceed with energy, follow up, execute, repeat.